Material research and characterization drives the development of smaller, more powerful devices that are integrated into our increasingly connected and electrified society. Ultrafast nonlinear microscopy and spectroscopy have an impressive track record for material characterization. At MONSTR Sense Technologies we strive to make ultrafast imaging easy to set up and easy to use so that more people can benefit from the capabilities. In concordance with our goals, later this year MONSTR Sense will release the KRAKEN™ ultrafast microscope. 
The KRAKEN microscope will acquire rapid hyperspectral, hypertemporal, and volumetric images. It will be turnkey - no hassle dealing with your laser or aligning it into your setup on a regular basis - a few keystrokes and everything is up and running. This microscope will also feature full automation of your measurements: Whether tuning wavelengths, decay time delays, focus depth - or all of them together - just set the parameters, push start, and grab your favorite cup of coffee. Oh, and did we mention that it is fast? Optimized ultrafast images in seconds. Hyperspectral, hypertemporal, or volumetric images in mere minutes. Full transient absorption images in less than an hour. Stay tuned for more Ultrafast for Imaging updates on our LinkedIn, website, and coming newsletters.
Marketing Survey - win a $50 Amazon gift card!
At MONSTR Sense, we do our best every day. But we know we can do better. We want to know how you learn about new products in your industry and how you interact with our Newsletter and website, and towards this goal we are working with a group of students at the University of Michigan. Help us by filling out this survey and enter a lottery to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Questions cover our current marketing efforts and a few technical questions to motivate our product development.
Company Update
A successful year 2023, and an exciting year 2024 ahead!
A lot has happened at MONSTR Sense in 2023. We hired Optical Research Scientist Torben Purz, Ph.D. and Optical Scientist Intern Ansh Shah. We developed our CERBERUS™ high-precision interferometric delay stage. We installed several systems all over the world including a BIGFOOT® + NESSIE® combo in Germany. And we premiered our Advanced Material Characterization and Compound Semiconductor Inspection Services.
But we are even more excited for 2024. Stay tuned for more product releases, an expansion of our materials and semiconductor services capabilities, and more new faces joining our mission to simplify Ultrafast for Imaging.
MONSTR Sense Tech Tip
3D Depth Imaging using four-wave mixing
Did you know that four-wave mixing can be used for depth imaging, similar to confocal microscopy? Because of the nonlinearity of the four-wave mixing process, the beam is axially well-confined and improves the axial resolution and sectioning to a level comparable to two-photon microscopy. Below is an image of a surface triangle in an 8-µm thick 4H-SiC epilayer, measured with our NESSIE® laser scanning microscope using a motorized objective.
Featured Research
Material characterization using BIGFOOT, NESSIE, and the CRONUS-2P laser
Researchers from MONSTR Sense Technologies demonstrate the capabilities of MONSTR Sense's KRAKEN system with Light Conversion's tunable CRONUS-2P laser. The white paper highlights the versatility of our upcoming KRAKEN ultrafast microscope, from studying defects in quantum well wafers and microLED displays to the layer characterization of transition metal dichalcogenides. This is a joint white paper of MONSTR Sense Technologies and Light Conversion, which can be found here.
Upcoming Events

CLEO Conference, May 5-10, 2024
MONSTR Sense's Optical Research Scientist, Torben Purz, Ph.D., is presenting results on the rapid layer number characterization of transition metal dichalcogenides and defect inspection in SiC at this year's CLEO Conference in Charlotte, NC.

Advanced Materials Characterization, June 4-5, 2024
MONSTR Sense Technologies is a proud platinum sponsor and exhibitor at this year's Advanced Materials Characterization workshop at the Illinois Materials Research Laboratory. Visit our booth to learn more about our KRAKEN ultrafast microscope for material characterization.

Coherent Multidimensional Spectroscopy, June 24-28, 2024
MONSTR Sense Technologies will be an exhibitor at this year's CMDS conference in York, UK. Visit our booth to see our CERBERUS ultra-broadband, high-precision interferometric delay stage.


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