A powerful material characterization service, tailored to your needs
Our advanced material characterization service is the first of its kind. Using our patented nonlinear imaging and spectroscopy technique, this characterization service provides temporal, spatial, and spectral information about your material samples or fabricated devices. Use this service to supplement your existing theory and experiment, or use this service to see if purchasing our equipment is right for your lab. We can image samples of up to 4"x4" and take high-resolution scans with sub-micron resolution. Get hyperspectral, decay, and dephasing images of your samples as raw data and in a report.
In addition, we can employ numerous spectroscopic methods (Resonant linear reflectance, four-wave mixing spectroscopy, transient absorption spectroscopy, multidimensional coherent spectroscopy) to more fully characterize regions of interest. 
Learn more
Interested in a more standardized report of defects in wafer-scale silicon carbide, gallium nitride, or gallium arsenide? Instead check out our Inspection Service for Compound Semiconductor Wafers.
Interested in a more standardized report of defects in wafer-scale silicon carbide, gallium nitride, or gallium arsenide? Instead check out our Inspection Service for Compound Semiconductor Wafers.
Company Update
Installation and live demo in Germany
MONSTR Sense installed a BIGFOOT® and NESSIE® system at the Technical University Dortmund in August. As part of this installation, we helped our customers get started with the system, taking data on several samples including perovskites and cuprous oxides. This experience benefited our customers greatly, as it allowed them to address any questions about the product and methods first-hand. It is also always great for us to see customers interact with the system to improve the user-friendliness of our products each day.
Torben Purz selected as Carl E. Anderson dissertation award finalist
Our Optical research scientist Torben Purz was selected as a finalist for the prestigious Carl E. Anderson dissertation award from the American Physical Society Divison of Laser Science. As a finalist, Torben had the opportunity to travel to the Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science conference to present his Ph.D. research he conducted at the University of Michigan before joining MONSTR Sense.
Eric Martin on the Value Drivers podcast
Our president and co-founder, Eric Martin, talked to Peter Ho from the Value Drivers podcast about building a company starting with technology from a research lab. Listen here or wherever you get your podcasts to learn more about our journey and vision for the future.
MONSTR Sense Tech Tip
Enhancing imaging contrast with varying pump-probe delay
Did you know you can often enhance your imaging contrast by varying the pump-probe delay? Different electronic states in the material have different lifetimes. This difference in lifetime can be exploited to enhance the signal of one state with respect to another. We frequently use the pump-probe delay in our silicon carbide defect inspections, where surface triangles glow at larger pump-probe delays, as illustrated below.
Featured Research
Ultrafast Photocurrent and Absorption Microscopy of Few-Layer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Devices 
Researchers at Oregon State University use pump-probe microscopy and spectroscopy to shed light onto the underlying carrier dynamics of transition metal dichalcogenide photodetectors. This work was published in J. Phys. Chem. C and can be found here.

Tunable Laser for Dynamical Characterization of Two-Dimensional Materials
Researchers from the University of Michigan and MONSTR Sense Technologies demonstrate the capabilities of the BIGFOOT ultrafast spectrometer and NESSIE laser-scanning microscope for understanding and characterizing temporal coherence, coupling, charge transfer, and sample quality in transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers and heterostructures. This is a joint white paper of MONSTR Sense Technologies and Coherent Inc., which can be found here.
Upcoming Events

Open House, January 19th, 2024
MONSTR Sense is hosting an open house at its headquarters in Ann Arbor. Swing by to visit our research and manufacturing facilities and learn more about how our products and services can help your mission.

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MONSTR Sense Technologies
3830 Packard St, Ste. 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

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