Meet our new high-precision interferometric delay stage for broadband few-cycle pulses
Have you ever wanted to do time-resolved measurements, maybe even time-resolved spectroscopy, with ultra-broadband few-cycle pulses? You might have found out that dispersion management can be quite challenging. 
MONSTR Sense Technologies® has finally put an end to this. We have nearly finished development of a new high-precision interferometric delay stage that has sub-20 attosecond phase stability and resolution while adding less than 250 fs2 of group delay dispersion. The system can be used to spectrally resolve the pump in transient absorption spectrometer or as a spectrometer. Even consider adding two interferometric delay stages together to do spectrally resolved transient absorption or multidimensional coherent spectroscopy without any gratings or delay dispersing components.
This product is going to hit the market soon - email us at to give us your cryptid-themed name suggestion!
Company Update
MONSTR Sense delivers worldwide
We are excited to support researchers worldwide and delivered systems to Asia, Europe, and North America in the last few months. Stay tuned for all the research that is about to follow -  we, for one, can't wait.
ISMS Conference Recap
MONSTR Sense was a proud sponsor and exhibitor for the International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. We brought our BIGFOOT® spectrometer and a demo highlighting the spectrometer and software capabilities with us. You can find the demo here.

The MONSTR Sense Tech Tip
Did you know you can use the BIGFOOT spectrometer to characterize your pulses? The built-in scan scope functionality allows you to take the intensity and interferometric autocorrelation traces by placing a BBO or a wide bandgap detector such as GaP or InGaN detectors at your sample plane. This way, you can make sure you have the shortest pulses possible for your ultrafast experiments.

If you want to know more about how MONSTR Sense's products can help your research, contact us.

MONSTR Sense Products

Upcoming Events

International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials, September 17-22, 2023
MONSTR Sense's president Eric Martin will be attending the International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials (ICSCRM). Please reply to this email if you want to discuss how MONSTR Sense can help your Silicon Carbide or Gallium Nitride wafer inspection.

Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science, October 9-12, 2023
MONSTR Sense's optical research scientist, Torben Purz, was chosen as a finalist for the Carl E. Anderson Dissertation Award. He will give an invited talk on his Ph.D. research performed with BIGFOOT and NESSIE prototypes in the Cundiff Lab at Michigan and provide the newest updates on using FWM spectroscopy to determine layer thicknesses of 2D materials.

Copyright © 2023 MONSTR Sense Technologies, LLC, All rights reserved.

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MONSTR Sense Technologies
3830 Packard St, Ste. 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

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