MONSTR Sense Technologies receives prestigious SBIR Phase II Award
MONSTR Sense® is developing new equipment for inspecting silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), popular semiconductors for high-power and high-frequency electronics. To advance this technology and validate specific use cases of MONSTR Sense's ultrafast technology for semiconductor inspection, specifically for the compound semiconductors used in rapid charging, 5G devices, and microLEDs, MONSTR Sense has been awarded a $1 million Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from the National Science foundation (NSF).
The funding will allow us to conduct rigorous benchmark testing, and to develop a turn-key system to expand the addressable market of ultrafast imaging. This project builds upon MONSTR Sense's ultrafast lifetime imaging expertise with its laser-scanning microscope NESSIE® that is optimized for semiconductor research applications.
You can find the full press release here, and the public abstract here.
Company Update
MONSTR Sense is growing
We welcome Optical Research Scientist Torben Purz and Optical Research Intern Ansh Shah to the MONSTR Sense family. Torben recently graduated with a PhD in Physics from the University of Michigan and is bringing extensive experience in ultrafast spectroscopy and microscopy with him. Ansh recently graduated with a Bachelor's in Physics from the University of Michigan where he also gained research experience in optics.
Expanding our lab space
To further the development of our devices and validate use cases for MONSTR Sense's ultrafast technology, we are growing our lab space. As part of this initiative, we have recently purchased an ultrafast laser for NIR and UV imaging and semiconductor inspection and are improving our microscopy stitched scanning to measure up to 6" wafers.


The MONSTR Sense Tech Tip
Many nonlinear imaging techniques, such as stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy employ single-chopping of their pump beam to filter out the signal. This requires sharp spectral filters and limits the tolerable spectral overlap between pump and probe beams. SRS and degenerate techniques such as four-wave mixing (FWM) microscopy thus benefit from applying separate modulations to pump and probe beam.
In the double-chopped case, conventional lock-in amplifiers become a bottleneck for low pixel-dwell times. Using a finite impulse response lock-in amplifier instead, noise-equivalent measurements can be realized that are more than an order of magnitude faster. MONSTR Sense has demonstrated this lock-in detector in this recent publication. If you want to know more about our imaging capabilities, contact us.

MONSTR Sense Products

Featured Research

Rapid Multiplex Ultrafast Nonlinear Microscopy for Material Characterization
The Cundiff Lab at the University of Michigan combines prototypes of our BIGFOOT® and NESSIE to demonstrate rapid sample characterization of two-dimensional materials with nonlinear microscopy. This work is an Editor's Pick in Optics Express and can be found here.

K-point longitudinal acoustic phonons are responsible for ultrafast intervalley scattering in monolayer MoSe2
Researchers at Yokohama National University use ultrafast pump-probe spectroscopy to detect the Raman signature of coherent phonons in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides.
This work is published in Nature Communications and can be found here.

MONSTR Sense Resources

Upcoming Events

APS March Meeting, March 5-10, 2023
Come to the APS March Meeting to learn about some of the applications of BIGFOOT and NESSIE from our optical research scientist Torben Purz. Details about the talk can be found here. Feel free to reach out to us to set up a meeting with the MONSTR Sense Team and learn more about our product's capabilities.

Tech Transfer Symposium, April 13, 2023
Our president and co-founder Eric Martin will speak at a technology transfer symposium for high-schoolers and undergraduate students from 10-12 am in Room 2246 of the CSRB on the University of Michigan's North Campus, highlighting MONSTR Sense's evolution from lab to factory.

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Ann Arbor, MI 48108

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