Product Spotlight
Have you seen NESSIE™?
Join us in welcoming the newest member of our MONSTR Sense product family, our very own laser-scanning microscope NESSIE. No matter if two-photon imaging, stimulated Raman scattering imaging, fluorescence lifetime imaging, or transient absorption spectroscopy imaging - NESSIE has got you covered! And did you know that NESSIE is designed to be integrated with our BIGFOOT® ultrafast spectrometer? Learn more here.
Our BIGFOOT, the big reliable.
Looking for a transient absorption spectrometer? Or a coherent Raman spectrometer? Or are you interested in multidimensional electronic spectroscopy? Our BIGFOOT spectrometer can do it all! Research is never easy, but your equipment should not limit you. Learn more about the BIGFOOT here.

The MONSTR Sense Tech Tip
Though many use cases do not require it, coherent measurement techniques such as those used by our BIGFOOT spectrometer provide the phase of the signal. In semiconductors, the phase of the sample response is often used to study many-body effects - the collective behavior of interacting quasiparticles - that dominate the nonlinear optical response of semiconductors. If you want to know more about how BIGFOOT measures phase, contact us.

MONSTR Sense products

Company Updates

MONSTR Sense is growing
We recently moved into our new offices, and we couldn't be more excited! We now have a state-of-the-art manufacturing space implementing 6S manufacturing principles and a dedicated R&D Lab to make our products even better! If you're around Packard St in Ann Arbor, feel free to drop by for a visit.

US Patent granted
How do we maintain passive stability of our interferometers that is equivalent to nanometer-level active phase stabilization? By using our now patented reference generation. Download the patent here.

MONSTR Sense News

Featured Research

Imaging dynamic exciton-exciton interactions and coupling in transition metal dichalcogenides
The Cundiff Lab at the University of Michigan combines our BIGFOOT and NESSIE to study excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides. This work was featured on the cover of the Journal of Chemical Physics and can be found here.

Dissecting Interlayer Hole and Electron Transfer in Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Heterostructures via Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy
Researchers at the Politecnico di Milano use multidimensional electronic spectroscopy to reveal the time scales of ultrafast electron and hole transfer between two transition metal dichalcogenide monolayers. This work was published in Nano Letters and can be found here.

Upcoming Events

Open House, Dec. 9 2022
For those who wonder how the BIGFOOT and NESSIE get made: MONSTR Sense welcomes you to an open house from 10 am-5 pm to explore our new facilities. Refreshments will be provided. Find more event details on our LinkedIn page here.

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MONSTR Sense Technologies
3830 Packard St, Ste. 150
Ann Arbor, MI 48108

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