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Advanced Material Characterization Service

Advanced Material Characterization Service

In-house Service

MONSTR Sense Technologies’ advanced material characterization is the first of its kind. Based on our patented nonlinear imaging and spectroscopy technology, this characterization service is the Swiss army knife of characterization services. We can image samples with sub-micron resolution. At the same time, we can employ numerous nonlinear spectroscopic techniques to characterize your sample.

This is a great way to test whether or not MONSTR Sense products would be a good fit for your lab, or to acquire some useful ultrafast imaging data for a paper.

We currently offer both imaging and spectroscopy characterization.

Imaging capabilities

Static Images

  • Resonant linear reflectance data for field-of-views of up to 4″ and spatial resolution of up to 1 um (smaller field-of-view).
  • Four-wave mixing data for field-of-views of up to 4″ and spatial resolution of up to 1 um (smaller field-of-view).

Decay images

  • Pump-probe decay images with temporal resolution down to 100 fs and delay range up to 1.3 ns
  • Spectrally-resolved pump-probe images with 10 nm bandwidth for fixed laser wavelength or up to 600 nm bandwidth with tuned laser excitation.

Dephasing images

  • Dephasing (photon-echo) images with temporal resolution up to 100 fs and delay range up to 250 ps, corresponding to a homogeneous linewidth resolution down to 0.01 meV.

Hyperspectral images

  • Resonant linear reflection with selectable range spanning 350 nm-950 nm
  • Four-wave mixing image with selectable range spanning 350 nm-950 nm
Spectroscopy capabilities

Linear reflection and nonlinear emission spectroscopy

  • High-resolution (<10 GHz) linear reflection and four-wave mixing emission spectroscopy for a selectable 10 nm bandwidth between 350-950 nm.
  • Low-resolution (<5 nm) linear reflection and four-wave mixing emission spectroscopy for a selectable wavelength range between 350-950 nm.
  • Nonlinear spectroscopy with high dR/R sensitivity (1e-7)

Transient Absorption Spectroscopy

  • Transient Absorption Spectroscopy with <100 fs resolution and delay times up to 1.3 ns.
  • High-resolution and high-bandwidth options for spectroscopy
  • Two color pump-probe options upon request
  • High dR/R sensitivity (1e-7)

Multidimensional Coherent Spectroscopy

  • Zero-quantum, single-quantum, and double-quantum capabilities
  • Coherence times up to 250 ps, decay times up to 1.3 ns
  • 10 nm tunable bandwidth across 350 nm-950 nm wavelength range
Samples Transition metal dichalcogenides, quantum dots, quantum wells, perovskites, cuprous oxides, j-Aggregates, micro-LEDs, etc.
Sample size Up to 120×100 mm
Spatial resolution <1 um
Temporal resolution <100 fs
Delay range 1.3 ns
Wavelength range 350-950 nm
Provided data Image files containing spectra and images (depending on requested measurements, see Capabilities).  Raw imaging and spectroscopy data with Python template files for analysis.

For more information or to get a quote, reach out to us at info@monstrsense.com or send us a message on our contact page.